We live only once. How to be crazymercredi, 7 novembre 2007

I was supposed to fly back from L.A. to Paris to go immediately for a tasting by Jaboulet and a dinner by restaurant Pic, prepared by the wonderful and brilliant chef Anne-Sophie Pic.

But while being in L.A., several friends announced that Pierre Lurton would continue his trip to Las Vegas for a great dinner by the restaurant Joël Robuchon.

I have heard that Joël has the same stamina, the same will to win in Vegas as he had when he managed his three stars restaurant.

It was a temptation. I was weak, I sais yes.

Here is the program :

Chateau Cheval Blanc and Chateau d’Yquem

Dîner du jeudi 8 novembre 2007

Imaginé par Joël Robuchon

Guest of Honor : Pierre Lurton


Dans une infusion juste prise aux herbes et une caillebotte à l’huile d’olive

Avocado puree in a thin herb gelée and olive oil flavoured curd cheese

Champagne Dom Pérignon 1999

Les crustacés

La langoustine truffée à l’étuvée de chou vert, le homard rôti à la citronnelle avec une semoule végétale, l’oursin accompagné d’une purée de pomme de terre au café

Truffled langoustine ravioli with chopped cabbage, lemon grass roasted lobster with vegetable semolina, sea urchin, potato purée with a hint of coffee

Champagne Dom Ruinart 1996

Le Matsukaté

Aux capucines en ravioli, escorté d’un bouillon perfume au gingembre

Grilled Matsuke mushroom, capucine flower ravioli and ginger bouillon

Le Petit Cheval 2001

Le thon blanc

Confit à l’huile pimentée et relevé d’une nage d’endives aux pistils de safran

White tuna confit in chili oil with endive and saffron broth

Chateau Cheval Blanc 2001

Le veau de lait

En mille-feuille de tofu aux délices d’Alba sous une voilette parmesane

Veal chop tofu mille feuille shaved Alba truffles with parmesan tuile

Chateau Cheval Blanc 1989 & 1990

Le boeuf de Kobé

Grillé aux matsukatés, cristalline au poivre, cresson en tempura, raifort à la moutarde

Grilled Kobe beef with matsukate mushroom, watercress tempura, horseradish mustard

Chateau Cheval Blanc 1998 & 2000

La poire William

Glacée aux saveurs fruitées et confite à la crème de cassis

Château d’Yquem 1996 & 1998

Le Victoria

Ananas parfumé au praliné- noisette givré de thé au jasmin

Pineapple with hazelnut-praline and orange Pekoe tea sorbet

Chateau d’Yquem 2001 & 1962 en magnum

The level of the wines is not the same as the one which existed with the wonderful events created by Bipin Desai and with a guest of honor who was also Pierre Lurton. But considering that I will more easily visit Jaboulet and Pic than I will visit Joël in vegas, I decided to go there.

In the description of the dishes, I have seen some components which will not necessarily match perfectly with the wines. It teases me to go. I will go.